Nine months into their relationship with Cait, Matt and Chris tied the knot but they made sure Cait was right there with them. I suggested to Chris, ‘How would you feel about involving a woman in some fashion?’ At first he was completely opposed to the idea but after a while we talked about it and he warmed up to the idea.”īefore long the threesome, from New York, were smitten with each other and became inseparable. And before I met Matthew I had dated quite a few girls and quite a few guys. When they realized that they had strong feelings for each other, Chris asked Matt if he could invite Cait into their relationship.Ĭhris explains: “Matthew had never had any experience with women before he’d met me. Her partners Chris and Matt, 28, Brandt - who are married - have been together for eight years and were exploring an open relationship when Cait, 28, met Chris, 38, on a dating app in 2015.
Two men and one woman are tearing up relationship rules with a unique status - meet the ‘thruple.' Taking “three’s company” to a more intimate level, Cait Earnest shares an intimate one-bed apartment with her two boyfriends and their two adorable pups.